Anti-aging Tips to stop the clock for you!

Anti-aging Tips to stop the clock for you!

Posted by Mitchell USA on

Discover the fountain of youth

Even though humanity hasn't cracked the formula for staying young forever, here are some tips to cheat the clock and genuinely look younger. Take a look at some fundamental tips and ways of using certain products that can help set a healthy skin routine for you!

Healthy skin needs exfoliation

Exfoliation is the removal of dead skin cells that accumulate on the skin's surface. Aging is one factor that slows down natural exfoliation process in the skin. The dead skin cells are not replaced soon enough by the new cells which makes the skin look sluggish and dull. So it is vital a factor that we exfoliate the skin either by physical exfoliators or chemical ones. Exfoliation is a method to remove the dead cells and allow new cells to take their place. Exfoliants can be placed in two broad categories ‚Äì physical exfoliation and chemical exfoliants. Physical exfoliants such as scrubs and dotted exfoliating devices or objects might be effective but may cause damage to the skin exterior and cause sagging of skin. It makes more sense to use a wipe scrub or a slightly brittle cloth to serve the purpose. Foot and body scrub Exfoliation creams are another effective option in the latter category which help loosen the bonds between skin cells and help them disconnect. These types are ideal for all skin types, especially mature skin. Mitchell USA has an excellent Skin Polish that works brilliantly to cause dead cell exfoliation. The Insta-Brite Skin Polish is an exfoliation cream that hydrates the skin while improving skin texture and making it softer. It also increases suppleness and makes it radiant. Thanks to anti-aging Sacred Lotus seed extracts. Insta-Brite Skin Polish Some other forms of exfoliants include AHA or Alpha-Hydroxy Acids such as Glycolic Acids (link with skin polish) and Lactic Acids which can be found in various products such as creams, toners, serums and peel-off strips.

Serums need to be Patted and not Rubbed

In common parlance every serum is a concentrated form of its ingredients as compared to a cream or a lotion or a moisturizer. To take the right anti-aging serum for your skin you may opt for products containing vitamin C contained in ascorbic acid (links of Intense Dark Spot Remover, Lift & Firm Serum and Papaya Face Wash) and vitamin A derivatives such as retinoids (link of Lift & Firm serum). So besides stimulating increase of collagen in your skin to promote elasticity these ingredients also act as antioxidants to absorb oxidative stress which is a major factor to cause aging.

Don't keep your skin thirsty, Moisturize!

One of the first signs of arriving maturity is that your skin tends to produce less sebum, its natural moisturizing agent. This tends to invite dryness and coarseness in your skin but not unless you stave it off with proper hydration. Keep a good moisturizer handy that sufficiently hydrates and feeds your skin with vital nutrients - ones such as Mitchell USA Skin Energizer and Night Therapy Cream. These amazing creams not just feed your thirsty skin with essential nutrients and lock-in the moisture, but also keep it looking youthful and feeling supple forever. All due to special ingredients such as Sacred Lotus seed extracts. Mitchell USA Skin Energizer With age additionally comes less sebum. While this implies less possibility of skin inflammation, it additionally implies your skin will dry out more without any problem. One of the main purposes behind barely recognizable differences is deficient skin hydration, yet fortunately it's anything but difficult to fix with a decent cream! You can also search for commonly available lotions such as the ones with water-binding ingredients such as glycerine and hyaluronic acid (link to product). Using some other alternatives such as petroleum jelly found in vaseline and mineral oil, later in the day can lead to moisture retention in your skin.

Use a mild facial cleanser minus harsh chemicals

It is important to remove the makeup you wear all day in a gentle manner. So naturally speaking cleansing plays a crucial role to help you get rid of the cosmetics and chemicals on your face and skin. These accumulations can range from various chemicals and ingredients to pollutants in the atmosphere around you. Cleansing with a mild cleanser therefore should become a daily routine to get rid of skin oils, toxins, and even unseen bacteria and microorganisms. Mitchell USA's Papaya Facial Cleanser Cleansing is an excellent mild cleanser that not only cleanses your skin of pollutants and removes make-up gently, but also brightens the skin and keeps it young looking. Thanks to its unique ingredients of Sacred Lotus seed extracts.anti aging sacred lotus seed extract Using this facial cleanser before any skincare routine also ensures that the nutrients from your skincare formulations also get an opportunity to work and get absorbed effectively. Unlike other facial cleansers with harmful chemicals this gentle cleanser does not strip away the natural oils from the skin and keeps it moist and younger looking. After your cleansing routine it is wise to get a toner that's low in pH, especially if your cleanser uses a high pH chemical that will dry off your skin. This is done to bring back the skin to its natural pH level. Mitchell USA also has a great toner that balances the skin pH and most importantly makes the pores receptive to nutrients from your follow-up skincare routine.

Make Sunscreen your daytime buddy

Your skin can age faster when constantly exposed to the sun. And that phenomena is known as photo aging. In photo aging the Sun's damaging UV rays can cause the skin's collagen to break down thereby causing depletion and abnormalities in elastin which would lead to wrinkles and a thinner skin. On the other hand it may or may not lead to uneven pigmentation of the constantly exposed skin. It is best to use a good sunscreen everyday with a high SPF which can remove age spots, moisturize and even erase wrinkles by as much as 50%. Using a good sunscreen such as Mitchell USA's Age Prevention SPF is best converted into a habit which pays off rich dividends in the long-term - think removing years from your face and skin to make it look younger. There are other ways to protect yourself from the sun by wearing protective gear such as sunglasses, caps, long-sleeve shirts, scarves and more. In fact, prevention is better than cure, so it would be most prudent if you don't step out in the sun without a valid reason. All these steps would definitely help you get the skin of your dreams.

Protecting your skin from injury

A bad posture, both while awake or even asleep, can cause severe damage to your skin and cause irreversible wrinkles early on, irrespective of your age. When you pose with your skin in a particular manner it can always lead to an injury. Some people tend to fret and frown unnecessarily or pull their skin or sit with arms below their cheeks pushing the skin. It is also not unknown that while sleeping one can press the face against a cushion causing serious injury to the skin which causes wrinkles. bad posture Being as it may, it is always prudent to avoid skin pulling movements as we apply pressure unnecessarily.

Take care of yourself better

It is not unknown that the first signs of aging are reflected long-before you sprout your first crow feet or wrinkle. Our neck, chest and hands are also the places to reflect the first signs of aging, so it is better to take care of those regions as well. Hopefully these skincare routine tips will turn back the clock for you, reduce the years from your age and help you look younger and youthful forever. Stay Young, Stay Beautiful!

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